Dry eye course

Moorfields optometry education team are delighted to present the Dry eye course for ophthalmic healthcare professionals.

This is targeted at clinicians working in primary or secondary care who are interested in learning more about diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the ocular dryness and lacrimal dysregulation. All participants of the course should be proficient in the use of slit lamp biomicroscope and be registered with a regulatory body (e.g. GMC, GOC, NMC, HCPC).

Course structure

This full day, in-person course will deliver a range of lectures from experts working across all aspects of dry eye and watery eye management within Moorfields Eye Hospital, covering epidemiology, classification and subtypes, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tools, management strategies, medications, procedures, patient education, and emerging therapies and research. This will include tutorials for lacrimal syringing and punctal plug insertion and removal. The day will include opportunities for networking and discussion, lunch and refreshments will also be provided.

Plus, there will be advice about setting up a dry eye course in community practice, and troubleshooting treatment.

At the end of the course, you will obtain a Moorfields Education certificate of participation. CPD points for those registered with the GOC will be available.

The next date for this course will be 17 September 2025. Bookings will be open shortly. Please contact moorfields.hq@nhs.net to register your interest.


No places available at the moment


Benefits of attending

Course fees

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