Optical coherence tomography webinar

Moorfields Eye Hospital is delighted to present this Optical coherence tomography (OCT) skills webinar, for ophthalmic healthcare professionals. It is targeted at clinicians working in primary or secondary care who are interested in or regularly interpret OCT images and manage retinal conditions.

This virtually delivered evening lecture will be presented by Moorfields Eye Hospital Consultant Ophthalmologist Mr Luke Nicholson who will delve into a deeper understanding of OCT imaging and a variety of case scenarios. At the end of the course, you will obtain a certificate of participation.

The next webinar date will be confirmed shortly.

No places available at the moment


Course fees



Taught by


Mr Luke Nicholson

Mr Luke Nicholson is a consultant ophthalmologist and medical retina specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, where he is currently director of the medical retina service. At Moorfields he has completed multiple research and clinical fellowships in medical retina and uveitis. Mr Nicholson is actively involved in research and obtained his MD (Res) with University College London, studying the use of ultra-widefield imaging in retinal vascular diseases, and its association with neovascularisation and retinal vessel oxygenation. He has published widely on retinal vascular diseases and is the chief-investigator for national and international clinical studies. He is also the co-author for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Retinal Vein Occlusion guidelines. He has co-designed virtual diagnostic clinic pathways for the service and progressed centralised reviewing systems in medical retina digital clinics, managing assessments from high-volume diagnostic hubs around the trust.